Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation

Dismantling Oppressive Systems

UN - DDHH 11.11.2022 Servizio internazionale per i diritti umani Translated by: Jpic-jp.org

UNARC is an international coalition created and led by Africans and people of African descent. It addresses the ongoing oppression and killing of black people around the world due to global anti-Blackness and the histories of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade.

The coalition operates with the premise that communities and advocates on the ground in various countries around the world are the experts on what is needed to materially change their conditions day-to-day. Our work is to ensure that there is mutual support for advocates and to connect them with the UN which can have a significant impact on how the issue is approached on-the-ground and what standards are set.

The UN Antiracism Coalition (UNARC) is a community of 60 members - and growing. This coalition’s work is focused on three United Nations bodies: UNHRC, EMLER, and OHCHR and supported by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). The coalition was instrumental in the creation of EMLER that has a specific mandate within the UN space focusing on systemic racism and police violence against Africans and people of African descent.

At UNARC, we believe in Ubuntu, the power of community and in working together. Ubuntu believes that a person is a person through other people: ‘I am because you are’ and that community is one of the most important values. 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,' says an African proverb. 
Through the UNARC website officially launched (www.unarc.org), activists and communities facing systemic racism from all over the world can engage and learn more about the UN. Advocates will benefit from the educational and capacity-building resources, news, information about relevant developments and calls for input, and the many more useful elements that are to be constantly added to the website.
Language justice is fundamental to the work of UNARC. For activists and people directly impacted by systemic racism in the context of law enforcement, connecting with each other, sharing stories, experiences, resources, and strategies can be a key first step towards achieving justice. This is why the UNARC website is available in four languagesEnglishSpanishPortuguese and French,.
At www.unarc.org you can find information about:

  • UNARC’s history, its members and how to join them, as well as contact information and updates on ongoing work
  • The work of the UN’s Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in Law Enforcement (EMLER) 
  • The relevant thematic work by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  • The relevant thematic work of the UN Human Rights Council, Educational resources about navigating the UN and relevant calls for input by all bodies above and more

We invite you to visit our website today! 

Our Goals are to make this mechanism as effective as it can possibly be to affect concrete changes by working closely with the experts to ensure that the voices of civil society are heard. Our goals are also to make sure that communities have access to human rights tools in their own work.

We implement these goals by engaging in the following activities: 

1-. Demystifying the United Nations and its processes. The UN can serve as a great tool for grassroots groups, however, the UN itself can be quite a confusing place. The coalition provides a space for mutual learning and support in navigating advocacy at the UN.

2-. Language Access is a core value of the coalition. All meetings are conducted in the four languages most Africans and African Descent speak across the globe: Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English.

3-. Side Events at UN Human Rights Council Sessions. At these events, UN experts respond directly to communities about the issues that they have raised.

4-. Coordination of civil society reports to EMLER and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. UNARC members develop reports about the human rights violations perpetrated by police and the state against Africans and people of African descent.

5-. Organizing civil society around country visits and regional visits. Every year, EMLER selects countries to visit in order to examine the human rights situation of Africans and people of African Descent experiencing harm due to systemic racism and police violence. The first country visited was to Sweden. They are seeking visits to Brazil and the United States. EMLER also conducts regional visits and their first regional visit will be to South America. 

6-. Oral Statements at the Human Rights Council. This activity provides opportunities for members to speak directly to their governments in an international human rights forum.

7-. Providing small grants for human rights campaigns for grassroots groups globally.

See. UNARC | UN Anti-Racism Coalition

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