Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation

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What is this blog about?

What is this blog about?   It’s about Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation

Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation speaks to the daunting reality that we face in this poor, battered, wounded world. Poverty and starvation, sectarian violence, environmental degradation, global warming, the looming wars over water, the current violence in the name of oil, the battles over land and food, all these call us to change.

The crisis is real, but the first and last word is hope: we hope that there are things worth living for, things that give, bring and sustain life – love, reconciliation, compassion, justice, peace, solidarity and healing. We have indeed crafted a world that is at risk: heeding the Jesus’ message we can turn and live a different way: instead of culturing violence, to culture peace.

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Civility and Integrity

The Institute for Civility in Government says that, while politeness is a necessary first step, civility "is about disagreeing without disrespect, seeking common ground as a starting point for [...]

The importance of African Names

In some parts of Africa, names are not given casually. They are given solemnly in a naming ceremony. There are sometimes cases when given names are rejected. Signs like the abnormal crying of the [...]

Prestige of African universities is growing in world rankings

Cape Town is the best university in Africa. A supremacy on which the most diverse rankings seem to agree, from the QS World University Rankings to that compiled by the Times Higher Education. Both [...]

UN: 'War crimes in Sudan'.

The war, which began on 15 April 2023, has killed at least 30,000 people according to the Sudanese Medical Union and displaced more than 10 million internally and externally, making it the [...]

Nuclear Weapons Spending Grows

In 2023, China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States spent a total of $91.4 billion on their nuclear weapons, which equates to $173,884 per [...]

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