Crooks, the little boy who climbs onto the roof to shoot the candidate, is for me the central figure of the American drama. It is he, Thomas Crooks, the universal incel, the only subjectivity of [...]
When he visited Madagascar, the poor island-nation of some 26 million people in the Indian Ocean, Pope Francis made a visit to the Akamasoa City of Friendship, on September 8, 2019. Akamasoa is [...]
In your book "The Age of Resilience" you invite the reader to re-imagine their existence on Earth and, in general, the way they relate to other species. At what point in history do we find [...]
They also pointed out that the global order established by the United States after the dissolution of the USSR is no longer accepted today, particularly by non-European countries. This is made [...]
They tried to set the pig up against the hyena. They failed. They tried to set the hyena up against the pig. They failed. They tried to talk ill of the pig to the hyena. They failed. They tried to [...]
These stories reveal a troubling side of humanitarian work in South Sudan, where vulnerable women who seek refuge and support find themselves victimized and subjected to violence, exploitation, and [...]
In the introduction of his encyclical letter, the Pope challenges the 'peoples of opulence', presenting the social question of a just development of the 'peoples of hunger' who [...]
The Synod has set itself the goal of reforming the life of the Church and, therefore, it is necessary to reflect on this ever-present need in its history. The Church is a pilgrim towards the Kingdom, [...]
What many missionaries have failed to understand is that a way of life, a spirituality, is different from an organised religion made up of creeds, dogmas and doctrines. The latter can be easily [...]
In this age of chatter, noise and consequent confusion, the task of thinking is to introduce clarity, rigour and cleanliness into the mind, and from there into the heart. For this reason, when [...]