Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation
Justice, Peace, Integrity<br /> of Creation

Monetary Enslavement: A Historical Monstrosity Born With the Bank of England

El Cofre cultural castellano 13.12.2012 Prof. Giacinto Auriti Translated by: Jpic-jp.org

Banks are now accused of being the root of all evils, from the economic crisis to the enslavement of the market: the author of this article demonstrates that this claim is well founded.

The blood of banks is money, both desired and despised without a clear idea as to ​​why that is, yet, this truth exists and is serious. It all starts with the Bank of England and the issuance of the pound, when the gold coin was replaced by paper money. Without agreeing with everything, this article sheds light on some fundamental ideas. When gold was the currency, in fact, the bearer was the owner. With paper money, without knowing it, those who own it become the debtors: paper money is issued by central banks in the form of a loan, so that the money in circulation is, from its inception, fraught with the debt to the central banks.

Goethe said that " The best slave is the one who thinks he is free.". This principle is particularly true in the current monetary system.

The citizen has the illusion of owning the money that he has in his pocket, while he is no more than a debtor. The bank, in fact, issues money only by lending it, making it so that money and debt circulate together.

The sign of monetary enslavement is due to the fact that the property is birthed from the bank or, rather, the banker who issues loans, and loans are the owner's prerogative.

Money, however, should actually be born as property of the citizen because it is he who, accepting it, creates its value; so much so that, if a governor were to print money on a desert island, that money would have no value since, in the absence of the community, there would be no collective decision to give it value. Like every unit of measure (and money is a measure of value), the currency is also a based off of an agreement.

When the coin was gold-based, those who found nuggets of gold, took them without becoming indebted to the gold mines. Today instead of the mine, there is the central bank, instead of the nugget, a piece of paper, and instead of property, there is debt.

One cannot understand how such a historical monstrosity (born in 1694 with the Bank of England and with the issuance of the pound) has been possible, if one does not start from the definition of the coin as an instrument (dung) of the devil. The truth of this definition has already been noticed by St. Francis of Assisi, when he forbade his beggar brothers to receive offerings in currency. Now let's see how this can be verified using the very words of Satan, words found in the Gospel itself.

In the Gospel, Satan speaks three times. After Christ’s fast in the desert, Satan tells him: "Turn these stones into bread." For most, these words must be interpreted as one of Christ’s temptations, since he was hungry and eating bread would satisfy this basic need. This interpretation is not acceptable because temptation is always relative to a sin and eating bread after forty days of fasting is morally irreproachable.

Therefore, the justification of Satan’s words must be understood in a different way. Christ himself tells us how to interpret them when, responding to Satan, he says (Mt 4, 4): "It is written that not by bread alone does man live, but from every word that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord.”

What is surprising from Jesus’ statement is the novelty of the proposal, which had never been considered by interpretation theorists: that is, to deduce the meaning of his words not by their literal meaning, but from the mouth of the one who utters them. Those words had come from the mouth of Satan; if we wanted to interpret them literally, we would have to take into account a hypothesis, although absurd, that Christ accepted Satan's proposal and turned the stones into bread. In such a case, Satan could say to Christ: "You can eat bread thanks to me since I have given you the advice to transform stones into bread." Then Christ would have transformed himself from the "owner" into the "debtor" of his bread.

If we observe carefully, this hypothesis is revealed punctually in the issue of nominal currency.

When the central bank issues the currency by lending it, it induces the community to create its value by accepting it, but contextually expropriates it and indebts it for equal value, exactly as Satan would have done if Christ had accepted the invitation to transform stones into bread. If we place paper instead of stone, gold instead of bread and Satan instead of banks, we realize that the issuance of sterling gold-paper and all successive nominal coins has all the characteristics of Satan’s temptations.

With the creation of the Bank of England and the system of central banks, all the peoples of the world have transformed themselves from owners into debtors, inevitably insolvent of their own money. The bank, in fact, lending an agreed upon amount through the act of emission, charges 200% of the actual cost of the money. Humanity thus advances in a condition inferior to that of animals. Animals do not have property, but they also do not have debts.

We are defaulting our understanding that anyone can lend money, except those who issue it. With the currency-debit, humanity has been degraded to such an extent that it is the cause of the phenomenon of "insolvency suicide", a social disease that is unprecedented in history. This confirms the prophecy of Fatima: "The living will envy the dead."

Satan’s temptations cannot be accurately evaluated if their global context is not considered. Particularly significant in this sense is the third temptation (Mt 4: 8-9): "He showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor, and then  said to Jesus, all this I will give you, if you surrender and worship me." To surrender and worship means to put Satan on the altar instead of God. This explains why Satan’s worshipers fundamentally and necessarily deny the Catholic Eucharist.

The fact that Protestantism is based on the rejection of the Catholic Eucharist and has supported the creation of central banks as promoters of the currency-debit speaks for itself. In fact, the British Parliament passed the Test Act in 1673 - the Law of Proof - the decree declaring the illegality of the Eucharist and of the Catholic transubstantiation.

It is not by chance that in 1694 the Bank of England was founded, which then issued the sterling with the purpose of transforming a symbol of nothing into a currency and thus, inaugurating the gold-foil era.

The subordination of religious power to political power was not born by chance when the King of England also became head of the Anglican Protestant religion, disrupting the hierarchical order of the Holy Roman Empire in which political authority was autonomous and ethically subordinated to religious sovereignty.

It is no coincidence that, when Protestantism entered continental Europe, it did not found a church, but a bank: the Protestant Bank whose president, Neker, became an adviser to Louis XIV.

It is no coincidence that all the Catholic monarchies of old Europe disintegrated due to the debt without compensation that was owed to the bankers through the new satanic currency, issued by these bankers, which cost nothing. In fact, the kings themselves could have issued it on their own for free and without incurring debt.

It is no coincidence that in Switzerland the system of being both bankers and Protestants governs.

It is no coincidence that the essential difference between the Holy Roman Empire and the British Commonwealth is the currency. In the former, the bearer is the owner of the currency, and in the latter, he is the debtor.

It is not by chance that, after the elimination of God from the altars through the denial of the Catholic Eucharist and the foundation of the Bank of England, the Commonwealth reached an extension of 22 million and 750 thousand square kilometers in 1855. Today everyone is part of the Commonwealth. Everyone belongs to a "monetary colony".

Satan, the prince of this world, is someone serious: he keeps his promises to destructive ends. After the evil has been done, he grants his worshipers dominion over all of the peoples of the world.

With these premises, Satan’s temptation when he exhorts Christ to throw himself from the top of the temple of the Holy City is also explained. He who owns all of the world and all of the money in the world, be it because he owns it or because it belongs to creditors, does not seek sovereignty and wealth because he already possesses them, he only craves praise. And with that, this temptation is also justified.

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